Badger Volunteers
Each semester, the Morgridge Center recruits students into dozens of
teams headed by a trained leader to work with over fifty community non-profit agencies that focus broadly on health, education and the environment. In 2011-12, a minimum of
four groups have been designated “interfaith teams,” and their leaders have already been
selected. In early fall, Hillel, LISAR, and other campus organizations will recruit students
for these teams based on applicants’ demonstrated interest in interfaith activities.
Challah for Hunger
Challah for Hunger is a national organization with a chapter at UW-Madison, where it is a registered student group that provides assistance for global hunger
and disaster relief through sales of challot, a traditional Jewish bread. Participation is
open to all; volunteers from both Jewish and other student religious organizations bake
challot for the local Madison community every week. Proceeds go to the American
Jewish World Service’s Sudan Relief and Advocacy Fund, and the Agahozo-Shalom
Youth Village in Rwanda.
Courage Project
The Project provides a forum for high school students from the Abrahamic faiths to explore each other’s religions, their places within their own traditions, and their interrelationships as neighbors and members of particular faith communities.
Faith and Justice
The Multicultural Student Center’s Institute for Social Justice and
Transformative Leadership has chosen “Faith and Justice” as its programming theme for
the 2011-12 academic year. Programming will include “Faith or Justice?: Inequality, Iron and Ideology Art Show” featuring
submissions from student and community members who are engaged in either faith,
interfaith, and/or humanist organizations and communities that include a social justice
emphasis in their work. The show’s opening will coincide with a social justice
involvement fair that will introduce participants to opportunities for involving
themselves in social justice work, education, and community-building, with an
emphasis on interfaith efforts. In addition, the Social Justice Speakers and Trainers Series invites campus organizers, scholars,
educators, and trainers to present material about timely, critical and emergent social
justice topics. Potential presenters
in 2011-12 include Dr. Bernice Reagon, founder of the gospel group Sweet Honey in
the Rock, and Kim Bobo, Founder and Executive Director of Interfaith Worker
Interfaith youth camp
The Muslim Students Association, possibly in conjunction with the Muslim Youth of Madison, will hold a single-day interfaith youth camp, with activities, games and storytelling aimed at increasing participants’ tolerance of and respect for each other’s religious traditions.
"Love Your Neighbor” Interfaith Day of Service
Pres House and Hillel will provide service opportunities to members of both religious communities and the wider campus and Madison communities. Participants choose from several volunteer locations.
Quest Program
Sponsored by The Crossing, the Quest Program sends students from all religious perspectives to locations around the world. In 2012 one of these locations will once again be Israel-Palestine, where students will have the chance to hear about the conflict from Israelis and Palestinians themselves.