The Ten Commandments and their Appropriations in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Conference Introduction
Charles Cohen, Professor of History and Religious Studies,
and Director, LISAR, and Leonard Kaplan, Mortimer M. Jackson
Professor of Law, UW-Madison
Session 1 - Sinai and Revelation
Chair: Cynthia Miller, Professor of Hebrew and Semitic
and LISAR, UW-Madison
Benjamin Sommer, Associate Professor
of Religion and Director, Crown Family Center for Jewish Studies, University
of Toronto
"Conflicting Conceptions of Sinaitic Revelation
in the Hebrew Bible"
Theodore Jennings, Professor, Chicago Theological Seminary
"Justice and/or Law; Reason and/or Revelation"
Session 2 - Commands and Commandments
Chair: Asifa Quraishi, Assistant Professor of Law, and
LISAR UW-Madison
Robert Gibbs, Professor of Philosophy
and Jewish Studies, University of Toronto
"Repetition and the Law"
Elizabeth Mensch, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor,
School of Law, SUNY Buffalo
"The Problem of Law and Grace"
Michael Carter, Professor of Arabic, Sydney University
"The Commands of God in the Quran as a Problem
of Pragmatic Linguistics"
Hon. John Noonan, Judge, U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
"The Ten Commandments and Slavery" (via
Session 3 - The Decalogue and Nomos
Chair: Kevin Kelly, Assistant Dean, School of Law, UW-Madison
Lenn Goodman, Andrew W. Mellon Professor
of Humanities, Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University
"Law, Morals, and Spirit in the Ten Commandments"
Carl Rasmussen, Boardman Law Firm, Madison
"The Law (Nomos) in St. Paul: Reflections on
Some Lectures by Jacob Taubes"
Sebastian Gunther, Associate Professor of Near and Middle
Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto
"The Ten Commandments and the Quran"
Address: His Eminence, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti
of Bosnia
"The Ten Commandments as a Basis for a Meaningful Jewish-Christian-Muslim
Session 4 - Images and Graven Images
Chair: Manucher Javid, UW-Madison
School of Medicine, Emeritus
Steven Wilf, Professor of Law, University
of Connecticut
"Broken Tablets, Destruction, Legal Iconography,
and Sites of Memory in Jewish Law"
Lee Wandel, Professor of History, UW-Madison
"Calvin and Idolatry"
Lawrence Rosen, Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University
"Graven Images in Islam"
Liyakat Takim, Associate Professor of Islamic Studies,
University of Denver
"The Ten Commandments in Islamic Exegetical Literature:
A Comparative Perspective"
Session 5 - The Ten Commandments in the Public
Chair: Ann Althouse, Robert W. & Irma M. Arthur-Bascom
Professor of Law, UW-Madison
Jerome Copulsky, Assistant Professor
of Interdisciplinary Studies, and Director, Judaic Studies, Virginia Tech
"The Ten Commandments and American Civil Religion"
Lesleigh Cushing, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Religious
Studies, and Jewish Studies, Colgate University
"Contemporary American Appropriations of the
Ten Commandments"
John Thatamanil, Assistant Professor of Theology, Vanderbilt
"Against Heteronomy: Some Tillichian Reflections
on The Ten Commandments in Public Life"
Session 6 - The Decalogue Reconsidered
Chair: David Morgan, Professor of History, Director, Middle
East Studies, and LISAR, UW-Madison
Nabil Matar, Professor of English and
Head, Humanities and Communication Department, Florida Institute of Technology
"Islam and the Abrahamic Legacy"
John Welch, Professor of Law, Brigham Young University
"The Completeness and Incompleteness of the Ten
Commandments: LDS Appropriations"
David Smolin, Professor of Law, and Director, Center for
Biotechnology, Law and Ethics, Samford University
"The Capacity of the Ten Commandments to Serve
as a Unifying Symbol"
Leonard Kaplan and Charles Cohen,
Closing Remarks