The Weimar Moment:
Liberalism, Political Theology, and Law
October 24-26, 2008
Pyle Center (check monitor for specific room)
702 Langdon Street
This conference brings together leading academics, authors and intellectuals to examine the Weimar period in European history, culture, and law and to trace the continuity of Weimar thinkers and their impact on the continued viability of liberal democracy in today’s world. It will foster a pointed conversation among students and scholars in history, philosophy, political science, religion, literature, international studies, and law at a time when we still face the potential for falling into totalitarianism or "fascism with a friendly face."
LISAR is a co-sponsor for the conference, along with The Project for Law
and the Humanities, the UW Law School, the Institute for Legal Studies,
the Department of History, the George L. Mosse Program in History, the Global
Legal Studies Center, the Center for the Humanities, the Mosse/Weinstein
Center For Jewish Studies, the Center for German and European Studies, and
the Department of German, with additional support from the University Bookstore,
the Brittingham Fund, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).