of Abraham:
A Photographic, narrative exhibit celebrating
life and faith traditions of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Families
October 22-November 28, 2008
DeRicci Gallery
DeRicci Hall, Edgewood College
1000 Edgewood College Drive (off Monroe St., corner of Edgewood College
Drive and Woodrow St.,)
The Exhibition and All Special Events are Free and Open to the Public
Grand Opening with Eleanor Brawley
Curator and Lead Photographer, "Families of Abraham"
Wednesday, October 22
7:00-8:00 P.M.: Presentation and Panel Discussion featuring members of local
congregations: Sue Levy, Vera Crowell,
and Andrea Hobright. Audience participation is invited.
Anderson Auditorium, Predolin Hall, Edgewood College
8:00-9:30 P.M. - Reception and Exhibition Showing
DeRicci Gallery, DeRicci Hall, Edgewood College
"Food and Family in the Abrahamic Traditions"
A Panel Discussion with Audience Participation featuring:
Sara Ben-Ami, Owner, B'Tavayon Catering
Rev. Katie Baardseth, Pastor, Bethel Lutheran Church, Madison
Rohany Nayan, Former Principal, Madinah Academy, Madison
Sunday, November 2
2:00-4:00 P.M.
Anderson Auditorium at Edgewood College
The Families of Abraham exhibit is a photographic narrative of eleven families, Jewish, Christian and Muslim, who were selected to participate in one year of photography of their day-to-day life and faith traditions. Among the families: a single mother who moved with her daughter from New York following 9/11, a family with a father who was born in Kuwait, a local cardiologist and his wife from India, a new mother from Nicaragua, a refugee family from Bosnia and a family originally from South Charlotte-still living there today surrounded by generations of family. Eight documentary photographers captured major Holy Days in all three religions, such as Yom Kippur in the Jewish tradition, the Christian Easter celebrations, and the Muslim month-long Ramadan fast from sunrise to sunset. Important family milestones were also captured such as the first moments of life for a newborn Catholic baby, the Bar Mitzvah of a young Jewish boy, and the greeting of a newborn Muslim baby as the father whispers the Call to Prayer in the infant's ear.
Families of Abraham was originally exhibited at the Levine Museum of the New South in Charlotte, North Carolina, and was held over three months during 2007.