The Lubar Institute for the Study of the Abrahamic Religions closed in June 2016. This web site will not be updated, and remains online as part of the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s public archive.
UW-Madison Lubar Institute for the Study of the Abrahamic Religions Home Home University of Wisconsin-Madison
Lubar Institute Newsletter

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Vol 3, Issue 2 • December 2012
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Ulrich Rosenhagen and FellowsDeepening Belief while Exploring other Traditions
Fellows' responses to Charlotte Gordon

Each month our Undergraduate Fellows write personal reflections about their year-long experience at LISAR. This fall, most of them have highlighted the importance of their time with Charlotte Gordon... (continued)

Charles CohenFrom the Director

This semester I have been teaching an introductory course in UW-Madison’s Religious Studies Program on what I like to call a “braided history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam” that covers a mere three millennia or so... (continued)

Eric LuckeyLISAR Student Fellow Voice
Eric Luckey, Undergraduate Fellow, 2005-2006

In September of 2005, I asked the pastor of the Lutheran congregation in which I was raised to write a letter of recommendation for me. In that letter he expressed my beliefs and my commitment to those beliefs as completely assured. In fact, this depiction couldn’t have been further from the truth... (continued)

LISAR Tells Its Story

One of LISAR's major projects this past semester was the production of a short video that brings to life the important work the Lubar Institute is doing on campus. If you have a few minutes, please take a look at (continued)

LISAR symbolSupporting the LISAR mission
As you and your family make your decisions regarding year-end charitable gifts, please consider supporting the mission of the Lubar Institute. ... (continued)